Bicentennial Residence

Status: Permited

How can we design homes that last for many generations? As the name implies, we were tasked to design the Bicentennial Residence to last a minimum of 200 years. This multi-generational home will be located in East Austin and is strongly focused on it’s carbon footprint.

This project dares to conquer the notions of longevity through performance, while simultaneously integrating into a neighborhood at the forefront of constant change. Thus, the Bicentennial Home strives to be an anchor for generations yet to come. Drawing inspiration from the earthships of the late twentieth century, no stone was left unturned in the quest to minimize its environmental footprint in both the immediate phase of extraction, transportation, and construction of materials, but well through the lifespan of the home as well. Designing around the concept of accessibility and flexibility, the home acknowledges that the future is uncertain. However, by integration of adaptable systems, it has the ability to adjust accordingly as new technologies, better building practices, and higher-performing components become available in years or decades to come.